Ren'py Sprite Creator

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I made a sprite creator!

Ren'py Sprite Creator

It's a dollmaker that outputs working Renpy code, and is designed to let Renpy creators quickly create sprites for prototyping games. There's a variety of clothes/hairstyles/accessories etc, and all the colours are editable, as is the height. Sprites come with several expressions by default and the code is set up to allow people to create their own custom expressions.

The sprites are pretty janky looking, so wouldn't work well for a final game, but a lot of games only hire an artist near the end of the writing/coding process, and in the meantime can have trouble testing the code and experimenting with sprites.

It's still very rough around the edges, since I started it yesterday morning at 4am in a flurry of inspiration and only uploaded the first draft a few hours ago.