Blog Posts
Tutorial: Image Filtering With Fotosketcher
Tags: posts, tutorial, blender, 3d rendering, fotosketcher, art,
Some Blender Tutorials
Tags: posts, blender, tutorial, links,
Various Free Game Resources
Tags: posts, links, resources, music, art,
Miscellaneous Links
Tags: posts, links, accessibility, other people's games, game design,
Some Let's Plays of My Games
Tags: posts, let's play, soon, northanger abbey,
Tutorial: From RPG Maker to Tiled
Tags: posts, tutorial, tiled, software,
Panel: From Player to Developer
Tags: posts, conferences, panels, game design, other people's games, links, perth games festival, from tumblr,
PAX Australia 2017 Day 3
Tags: posts, pax, conventions, other people's games, from tumblr, panels, queer, accessibility, game design,